A Prayer for 2021


As I look back on 2020, I can hardly believe that everything we experienced was real and not just part of a science fiction movie. If there’s one word I would use to describe this past year, it would probably be “division.” Wars and conflicts have, and continue to divide us. The political and social climate in the USA and Canada feels more visceral, especially in the last while. 

There’s disagreement and division when it comes to political agendas, how to handle (or if there even is) climate change, whether or not all lives matter, and what the proper alignment should be between Christians and the State. These disagreements have brought out some of the nasty sides of ourselves, both individually and as a society.

And let’s not forget that most of 2020 was marred by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Of course we had disagreements about that too, but more than that, we have experienced loss. We’ve lost our connections, activities, livelihoods, and loved ones. Although not everyone has been affected by the pandemic in the same way, we’ve all been affected. 

As much as I want to say “Happy New Year,” the first few days of 2021 haven’t assured me that we’re out of the woods yet. Just because the year has ended doesn’t mean the darkness we’ve witnessed in 2020 is over with. There’s some serious work left for us to do as we enter this new year, especially as the church. 

But to be honest, I feel at a loss. I don’t have the answers for how to overcome the pandemic or the devastation it has caused our health and economy. I don’t know how to deal with all the disagreement and violence. I don’t know what to do with the disparity and injustice that continues to motivate us. It all seems too big for me, and whenever I feel hopeless, I turn to God. I have a feeling that prayer will be the spiritual practice of 2021 for me.

Despite what I just said, and with lament in my heart - Happy New Year! I wish you God’s blessing, guidance and strength for another year to come. I don’t know what 2021 will hold, but I know that God walks with us through it all. And so, I offer this prayer as we take on another year, full of faith and hope. May Christ be your light in 2021.

Almighty God,


Why is the world the way it is?

God, You see the loss, anxiety, depression, hatred, greed, violence, oppression, and injustice that are destroying Your creation. You know our struggles to persevere, to trust in You, and to love our enemies. We are left wondering how to hold together our faith in You as the sustainer of all life with the darkness that we see all around us.

You have told us that You are the light. You have come to bring us back into right relationship with You and with one another so that we can experience true peace. So we continue to trust that You are not yet finished with this world. We trust that You continue to work through Your creation to bring about reconciliation and redemption. We continue to trust that You are good, and that Your creation is good.

Thank You for adopting us as children into Your family. Thank You for the presence of Your Holy Spirit with us. Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness to us. Thank You for the many ways that we experienced You in 2020. We are grateful for the love, healing, laughter, and new life that was part of this last year as well. 

As we enter 2021, we know that we need You. Grant us your hope, joy, perseverance, and love, for another year. Give us strength and guidance to pursue truth in right relationship with you and one another. Help us to love ourselves with the same passion with which You love us. Grant us courage and resilience to stand up against injustice and to work for peace. Help us in our times of suffering and pain, especially when we suffer for one another. Infuse us with Your innovation so that we can become co-creators with You, working for beauty and wholeness in the world.

Help us to see each other as beloved beings created in Your image. Whether family, neighbours, co-workers, celebrities, or political leaders, give us the compassion and fortitude we need to choose peace over violence, justice over revenge, and love over hate.

As we commit this new year to You, We ask as Jesus asked, that You make Your kingdom come on this earth as it is in heaven. Use us as Your instruments of light and hope. Transform us evermore into Your image.

We hold on to the hope of the resurrection and Your coming again. Dear God, our rock and our redeemer, walk with us in 2021. And may all glory and honour go to You, God over all.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.