How Stories Shape Us

Stories have the power to shape our worldview - how we believe the world functions and what our place in it is. But the big question remains - how do we judge the stories we tell? How do we know what stories are true?

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Lessons from a Nazi

The fact that my Opa was a Nazi is something that I’ve tried to hide for a long time. However, his story has taught me something powerful about racism - that is that stories matter! If we want to know why some people do horrible things to others because of their race, we need to pay attention to the stories they are telling.

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Revisiting Our Worldview

The creation stories of Genesis are so old that people often question if they can really still be important for us today. Of course the answer is “Yes.” Not only that, these stories have the power to shape our worldview by inviting us on God’s path of life and flourishing.

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